About Us
House of Broken Cookies is a volunteer organization that rescues and rehabilitates kittens with an emphasis on those with special needs. We consider all our kittens/cats to be special and unique, but some have the added need for special care because of physical and/or neurological trauma, illness, and congenital abnormalities or deformities. We also rescue bottle babies that are struggling to survive. Lovingly, we call our rescue kitties “Broken Cookies”
Famous Amos is filled with pride upon being chosen to serve as HOBC’s Wonderful Whisker Wednesday Spokeskitty…meow!
This cuddly Twofur Tuesday moment is brought to you by Famous Amos and Mighty Mouse, who would like to remind you that we all get by with a little help from our friends!❤️
Poppy is ready to tackle some chores this Monday….laundry is her favorite BTW! Have a nice day everypawdy!❤️Poppy is an amazing girl. She is active, smart and very lovable. She would really flourish in a home of her own. You can read more about her on our Petfinder shelter page. See link below!! Applications can be found on our website: houseofbrokencookies.com/ Or on our Petfinder Shelter pagewww.petfinder.com/member/us/ca/los-alamitos/house-of-broken-cookies-ca2578/Or you can email us at: houseofbrokencookies@gmail.com
“Every once in a while, do you just like to take your time with what you’re doing?“Fred Rogers“I’m a cat & I do what I want, when I want and yes Mr. Rogers…I take my time!”Curly SueA reminder to take it easy (and have a relaxing Sunday) courtesy of Curly Sue & Mr. Rogers ❤️